Monday 23 January 2012

The Mysteries

Well there are three mysteries today, Couldn't resist the first one, a winged structure in the shape of the letter L was found in Norfolk, England. Archaeologists say its a mystery but could have been used as a temple, they say that the building has no known parallels. Built around 1,800 years ago, just to the south of the ancient city of Venta Icenorum. [1]

There was also a crop circle with a 'L' in it featured on this blog on the 14th of August, 2011. [4] I wrote this at the time.

"If you look at all of the pictures you will see another crop circle in the next field. In between the two crop circles there are trees that create a corner that is pointing to the six pointed star. The trees are in the shape of an L, the LAMED in Hebrew. The shepherds staff that defends the gentle tender hearted lambs from harm. L for LOTUS. So there you have it, Lotus in the middle of the crop circles, as green and healthy as can be.

I see the upper world and the lower world and how the balance goes right through the centre of it. In other words it is to do with the spiritual law. There are five main shapes to the crop circle and five is an earthly number, its also to with intellect, expansion and plans being made. I see 13 elements to the crop circle altogether, and 13 is the date of my birth in February. 13 is also the gematria value of the Hebrew word for LOVE. 13 months from now will take us to September 2012.

If you look at the crop to my right it is at an angle, and the upright of the south and north together, being one in the direction in which its going. However, the green trees of the L is in the way, and the heavyweights cannot go where they would like to go. In other words, without the divine plan, humanity is going nowhere but round and round in its never ending cycles.

At this point they do not truly understand. However, they will, when the LORD God makes it blatantly clear to them, that they simply do not have a choice in the matter now." [4] See link for the rest of the information? 

Norfolk is also where Little Walsingham is and Our Ladies Shrine. I read in the past that there was a battle between Walsingham and Rome for supremacy for the head of the Church and that Rome won. It was here that we were sent for the second HC on the 1st of October 2004.

Ancient Jewish scrolls found in north Afganistan have also turned up and these 11th century scrolls are creating a storm among scholars. [2] Over 150 documents have been found. [2]

All white blackbird attracts bird watchers in Nottingham, England.  [3] Sweet.


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