Saturday 24 December 2011

The Redeemer - Divine Intervention

When I woke up this morning I felt dazed again, The LORD was conversing with me in Zion and he was talking about Israel and Iran in relation to Isaiah 59 and the judgement. He wasn't happy that Jewish organizations email me asking for money when they are supposed to be funding the Messenger of his Covenant.

That chapter also mentions the west and from the rising of the sun, they will revere the glory of the LORD. It predicted that the redeemer would come to those in Jacob and Israel is the land of Jacob.

The LORD did send the redeemer to the land of Jacob, to Israel in 2006 and again in 2007.

In the text the LORD gives a description of the redeemer as follows:

1. They have short arms in other words they are small.
2. Ears to hear
3. Integrity
4. Justice, and that justice is driven back
5. Righteousness and it stands at a distance
6. Light, brightness.
7. They come like a pent-up flood that the LORD drives along.
8. West, rising of the sun,
9. The Redeemer

The LORD complains that nobody calls for justice or pleads their case with integrity, he is referring to the person that he sent to help them. In other words, they do not ask this person to intervene or ask for divine intervention for them. The LORD was displeased and was appalled that there was no one to intervene for them, so he sent the sun of righteousness to them. The sun of righteousness that is also mentioned in the Malachi prophecies.

Isaiah 59 also calls this person the redeemer, because they understand the meaning of redemption and how to redeem souls. There is no redemption without integrity and the light of the soul being redeemed.

This person that the LORD describes has also achieved salvation for him, they have righteousness as their breastplate, helmet of salvation on their head, wrapped in zeal as in a cloak. Zeal is to do with compassionate action, zealous compassion. The LORD also speaks of the judgement and retribution for what the people have done in this chapter, it mentions the Islands as well and how they will pay their due. There is an Isaiah prophecy regarding the Islands in a different chapter and no Island is safe in this timeline, not even England.

Isaiah 59 tells them that they have turned their backs on elohiym and by doing so they deny the LORD.
Isaiah 59:13 states "Transgressing and denying the LORD and turning away from our elohiym. Speaking of oppression and revolt. Conceiving and uttering from the heart of lying words'.

He also tells the people that the people have done the following:

1.   Hands stained with blood
2.   Fingers with guilt
3.   Empty arguments
4.   Utter Lies
5.   Conceive trouble
6.   Give birth to evil
7.   Hatch vipers
8.   Spin a spiders web
9.   Acts of violence
10. Their feet rush in to sin
11. Swift to shed innocent blood
12. Way of peace they do not know
13. No justice in their paths
14. Crooked roads
15. Darkness and deep shadows
16. The blind grope at the wall like people without eyes.
17. They stumble and are like the dead
18. Growl like bears and mourn like doves
19. No justice, no deliverance it is far away from them.
20. Rebellion and treachery against the LORD.
21. Inciting revolt and oppression.
22. Truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter.

The time of Jacobs trouble is also the time of America's trouble because the situation between Israel and Iran also impacts on them.

3 hours ago news of Wales being flooded with torrential rain is in the news. The floods have impacted upon the whole of South West Wales. The direction of the West is mentioned in Isaiah 59, the South is also to do with the judgement and the Queen of the South mentioned in the NT.

No surprise then that the news report mentions St ELLI. 

Teshuvah, Teshuvah before it is too late.



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