Tuesday 27 December 2011

Lyre, FIRE, Holocaust.

On the LORD's day the 26th, the LORD called me by the name 'KIM' and then he said 'Holocaust'.
He is asking me to address it.

Kim is also QOM or QUM and as we know in Iran there is a city with my name. Bring the Prince of Persia to me, let us see if he can stand before the descendent of Joseph in integrity. Let us see if he can stand before the Messenger of the Covenant.

Why is the 26th the LORD's day? 26 is the Hebrew gematria value of his name. In my last life time on earth I was liberated from a concentration camp. However, I died afterwards of cancer due to my experience of it and my unforgiveness in that lifetime of what had been done to me by the men in the camp.

This life time I was birthed into the life with the memories of cancer of the womb and what I had suffered. Hence, the cancerous cells came back in this life time during my youth so that I could heal it this lifetime. For it to be a testimony for the nations; and that you can really heal your life. The first manuscript that I wrote in 1998, was about healing my life and how I overcome and was victorious. I did not write it for myself but due to clients requesting it repeatedly. They wished for me to give them in writing wisdom gained from experience that I had shared with them over the years. 150 copies of that manuscript were sold and purchased by those that required that help.

You can understand then that I was birthed twice physically in the 20th century, and the second birth was on the 13th of February 1954.

So what can be said about the holocaust that was co-created by Nazi Germany. The dictionary describes the holocaust as 'Great destruction, resulting in a great loss of life. Especially by fire'. As we know the word is usually associated with Jewish people and what happened to 12 million Europeans. Europeans that included protestors, doctors, academics, liberals, communists, gays, disabled, poor, homeless, and the travelers. It included anyone that stood against the prevailing regime that was taking shape in Germany. Anyone that stood against the indoctrination of children, and the removal of their freedom to be. Financial assets were removed the people throughout Europe and many governments were involved in paving the way for the eradication of the Jewish people and any dissidents.

As we know genocide of the peoples did not stop in the 20th century, it has still been going on in many countries even though the people of Europe said 'Never again'.

The origin of the word 'holocaust' means 'to burn' and it has a spiritual meaning. The LORD did not ask for sacrifice he asked for mercy. HESED. The other day the LORD also said 'Lyre, Fire'. So we now have three words related to the fire. 'Lyre, fire, holocaust' and the lyre musical instrument is mentioned in Psalm 92. In the Psalm it is the impact of the Lute of Lovingkindness and the Harp of Faithfulness, that has a resounding impact on the lyre.

In the social networks at the moment people are talking about 'hell', especially the Christians and they believe that is the gospel that they must teach. Goodness gracious me. Do they even know that heaven and hell are states of being? There are also many heavens. Apart from that the LORD predicted that he would make everything anew in this timeline. Hence, why this testimony for the nations is so important. The old heaven and earth is passing away as the prophecies predicted.

In the book of Job it states:

"The lamp of a wicked man is snuffed out. the flame of his fire stops burning'. Job 18:5 The flame of the fire is the love that people hold inside of them. The unfettered flame of light that keeps the person bright. In Psalm 18:28, 'You LORD, keep my lamp burning, my elohiym keeps turns my darkness into light'.

The Psalm that Obama read out on 9/11. "He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire." Psalm 46:9 As we know Obama did the opposite and his publishers are based in Berlin. Hence, when he was a senator he gave a speech to Europe in Berlin. Of course the publisher could guarantee a crowd for Obama and that Christmas, 2008, the stores in England were full of Obama's book. It was all about publicity and public relations for the man that they already knew would be given the nobel peace prize. Even after he had given the order to attack Pakistan at Chinese New Year. Just four days into his presidency. 

Proverbs 30 speaks of the people being under a slave that becomes king, it even mentions his children. The slave from Africa that is the Leopard in the book of Daniel and Rev 13. Wisdom was indeed called to do the count to put an end to the sacrifice of the people. What happened on Christmas day? People praying in Church in Nigeria were murdered, and the Son of God asked for it to be a day of forgiveness.  There have also been senseless murders in the UK and USA, of young innocent people in both gun and knife crime. In other nations as well. We must bring an end to this violence that disempowers the soul and vexes the Spirit of the LORD. 

In the Song of Songs love burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Prophet Isaiah also predicted that the light of Israel will become a fire, their holy one a flame; in a single day, it will burn his thorns and briers. Isa 10:17 When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze'. Isa 43:2 

"They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. These are not coals for warmth, not a fire that you can sit by'. Isa 47:14 However, fire can also be a 'fire of anger' if people have not healed themselves, that fire can burn them up like a fever of jealousy that controls them instead of them being master of the self and their emotions. 

So what do you choose? The fire of Jacob or the flame of love that heals? In the biblical prophecies the flame is to do with Joseph and it states 'Jacob will be a fire and Joseph a flame'. Oba 1:18. That also links back to the promise made to Moses and he asked for the blessing to be given to a descendent of Joseph. The bible also tells you that the tribes of Joseph are saved in this timeline, and England was certainly saved in the 20th century prior to the last days of the end times beginning in 1975. The last days will be shortened for the sake of the spiritually elect and the sooner that the people embrace that the better it will be for everyone. 

Psalm 68 finishes with the following: 

Sing to elohiym, you kingdoms of the earth, sing praise to the Lord. to him who rides across the highest heavens, the ancient heavens. Who thunders with mighty voice. Proclaim the power of elohiym whose majesty is over Israel, whose power is in the heavens. You, elohiym, are awesome in your sanctuary; the elohiym of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to elohiym. 

The LORD said 'Get ready for your bottom drawer'. What is the bottom drawer for? It is to do with the wedding and in the bottom drawer the people put beautiful and special things that they are saving for a special day. It is a also a place for the wedding gifts. 

Prophet Hosea informed the people that the LORD would betroth them to him in his righteousness and faithfulness and that he would plant her himself in Jezreel. He did just that in May 2006 when I was sent to Israel for the very first time' to call the holy gathering of his blessed ones. Each person that was compelled to come that evening had an important reason for being. Each of their names had an important frequency, that would impact on what would transpire in their names. 

Do not underestimate the power of your name in the cosmos and as the LORD once said to me 'Never, forget who you are'. 


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