Friday 1 July 2011

Seven Pointed Star

Following on from the 'King Scorpion' post. [1] and the 'Star of Europe' (Porino) crop circle that both featured the seven pointed star. Yesterday, I was shown the seven pointed star again in the second Egyptian picture.

We can also find the seven pointed flower in mathematics and it is called the 'Rose' and 'Rhodonea Curve'. Apparently, the curve was named by an Italian mathematician. [3] Biblically speaking seven is a karmic number in the bible of reaping what you sow due to karmic debt. Hence, why the LORD's prayer states "forgive us our debts".

77 was also mentioned by the Prophet Daniel as a time when transgression of the spiritual law would finish. If we take into account the timeline for the last days of the end times that began in 1975 when Arafat decimated the Christian population in Lebanon, that takes us to 2052.

St Jerome wrote in his letters that he longed for the day when a person would come to explain the spiritual law. He also stated that they stopped sharing it in Egypt because the people were maiming and killing themselves for transgressing it. However, people still maim and take their own lives, because the spiritual law as not been imparted in a way that is easy for people to accept in a good way.

The more healed a person becomes the more they are taught about the spiritual law by the divine. Its one simple step at a time. Good advice is don't run before you can walk on the spiritual path home to God. Otherwise you end up with people who are teaching others how to drive the car, before they have learnt how to drive it themselves, and that is a transgression of the spiritual law as well. True spirituality, and growth and development is a serious matter and not for the feint hearted due to the effort involved. Integrity must be in place to ensure that the law is not transgressed. Only when you have justified your own being, are you ready to help others to justify theirs.

When the Apostles asked Christ how many times they should forgive he replied 77. He knew full well that if a person can forgive that much, then the depth of their love was equal to his.  The power of forgiveness cannot be underestimated because without true forgiveness the heart remains blocked. If you have any doubts, then that shows you that there is someone still to forgive. A healed person is a person that is sure footed in a metaphorical sense. They have clear and conscious vision because they have a clear and pure heart. As the Son of God said 'Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God', in the same way that I have seen him and his Son. Experience counts!

In the Essene Gospel of Peace seven is to with the powers of Angels, in the book of Revelation it is to do with the seven spirits before the throne. Seven golden lampstands and the seven stars in the right hand. In actual fact, the seven stars are crosses and each one represents the energy of an Archangel, that is also confirmed in the Gospel of Peace.

In addition, we have the Indian philosophy of seven main chakra's that Indians say differ in the number of petals.

If you take all that into account it is about energy and its correspondence to the spiritual law of creation.

If you look at the seven pointed star as a person, then it is a person with wings energetically, enabling them to fly divine. People only truly fly divine when they have surrendered all human control to the will of the soul. Last but not least, let us not forget the seven heavens.





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