Wednesday 12 August 2009


People that know anything about sacred geometry will recognise this crop circle as Metatron’s Cube. If you look at it from a distance you will see a 3rd dimensional box shape inside the hexagonal shape. You can see the two back walls and the two front ones have open/clear sides and top like a tent enabling you to see inside.

You will see two squares x 3 = 6 and that is the same as the six sides of the hexagon. Still looking at it from a distance you will see six diamond shapes.

If you look at it flat on you will see three diamond shapes and six pyramid/triangular shapes. So once again we are with the numbers 3, 6, 9. The total number of the shapes created by the crop circle flat on is 10 and that takes us back to the divine plan mentioned in the “Wise Owl” crop circle.

Reported 9th August, Hampshire. England.

Courtesy of the Crop Circle Connector, please see their website for the other picture of this crop circle. [1]

My first impression of the crop circle when I saw the cube and diamonds was crystalline structures. The day that the crop circle was uploaded we had been talking about the USA epidemic of the recreational drug “Crystal Meths” and British people were being warned about its arrival in the UK.

Metatron is also the name of an angel in Jewish lore. Hugo Oldeberg interpreted the meaning of the name to be “One who occupies the throne next to the divine throne” although this view is contested. Metatron has also been called the Angel of Death down the ages; is this another omen and calling card crop circle like Wise Owl? According to Rabbinic tradition he is the highest of the angels and serves as the celestial scribe. "Solomon Judah Leib Rapport in Igrot Shir suggests that Meta Tron is a combination of two Greek words which mean to "change" and "pass away" referring to Chanoch (Enoch) who "changed" into an angel and "passed away" from the (earthly) world."[2]

Let us stay with Jewish philosophy and look at the gematria.

In gematria 3 = Gimel. The earliest known pictograph for the letter is the picture of a foot and we all know that we walk with our feet. The parent root of Gimel is Gam and in the Greek Gamma. The word gam means to gather together, gather together to drink.. The letter has the meanings of walk, carry, gather. Water is refreshing in the same way that sacred geometry is refreshing when people first become interested in it. It is certainly urging people to walk towards sacred geometry and be refreshed by the truth that it holds. Water also has a crystalline structure.

"We refer to the crystalline structure of water as ''clusters.'' The smaller the clusters, the longer the water will retain its memory. If there is too much space between the clusters, other information could easily infiltrate this space, making it hard for the clusters to hold the integrity of the information. Other microorganisms could also enter this space. A tight bonding structure is best for maintaining the integrity of information." Dr Emoto

The third house is also to do with early development and exploring the environment. Learning to walk and assert independence. Its about linking up the dots and enjoying new discoveries, education and left brain activities. It is ruled by the planet Mercury, the winged Messenger.

6 = Tet. The original pictograph was a circle with a X inside it and Jeff Benner describes it as a wicker or clay container. In the Greek alphabet it became Theta. Metatron’s Cube and this crop circle certainly contains a lot more than one might think at first glance and so does sacred geometry. The crop circle was also positioned very close to a motorway and this indicates that the truth is getting closer and closer to humanity and the direction in which it is meant to move.

The sixth house is all about making adjustments and finding out the real meaning of life, it is also ruled by Mercury. It explores the inner dynamic with the outer reality. In other words physical reality is the barometer of balance –v- imbalance and if we have an epidemic of children taking ‘Crystal Meths” that is showing humanity that there are some serious adjustments to be made to the way that children are treated. This is from the published article “Compassionate Hearts Can Change the World” 2002 “Way of the Heart” Magazine:


“The children seek excitement and escapism by taking drugs instead of learning that their life is a divine cosmic adventure in itself. A large proportion of degree students choose specific degrees because their parents wanted them too. These young people are not following their own hearts but attempting to live up to their parents expectations. This breeds unhappiness at a deep soul level, it can also completely ruin a person’s life by taking them away from their life purpose. Then we wonder why these young people get depressed. Parents living their lives through their children rather then accepting them as unique and talented individuals who have a mind of their own. These youngsters should be allowed to follow their own hearts so that they can reach their limitless potential.

This is staring us in the face! We need to change, all of us.

We cannot hide from the stark reality any longer, we cannot ignore our spiritual being and continue to live in separation, the time of the lone wolf is over it is time to work together, share our knowledge orthodox medicine and complementary medicine, health and education, create and implement a new strategy that meets the changing needs of our children which is appropriate at this point of social evolution. Change is as natural as the flowing seasons of nature but parents and education do not teach people to engage with the flow of positive energy or adapt to changing life circumstances because they did not learn this themselves.

Every child is a unique individual, they are born explorers filled with curiosity and the motivation to learn, they ask the most amazing questions and seek clarity on their adventure. Education needs to be self-arousing, self-rewarding and self-realising. We're required to provide an environment that encourages their creativity and co-creation. Instead of intimidating them into learning facts and figures creating banks of memory that is little use to them in this fast changing technological environment and age of enlightenment. The obsession with academic qualifications needs to be reviewed, every child has talent, intelligence and creativity but may not necessarily be academic. Evaluation of their strengths and accessing what makes their heart sing is a major key, this can be achieved prior to secondary education. We can assist them to bring their natural talents to the fore, nurture and guide them to education and careers that are influential in helping them to co-create peace of mind, contentment and happiness.”

Metatrons Cube and the Bible - By: Adam Spade

From my experience in 2008, religion has also done tremendous harm to the children in the USA. Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. It is time to let the old heaven and earth pass away just as Jesus predicted that it would. It is time that we allow children to partake in a fascinating and amazing adventure of life; and its inner layers that can be viewed through the lens of sacred geometry.

Humanity are being called to do an 120 degree return back to the sacred in all things. Do you know about the sacred geometry inside you? If you don’t, isn’t it time that you found out? Remember this Jesus told you “The Kingdom of God is within YOU!”.

The other day we had the Wisdom eclipse crop circle with the VESICA PISCIS from sacred geometry and now Metatron's Cube as well. How many crop circles of sacred geometry do humanity have to receive before they will get the message?

It is time for SACRED GEOMETRY to be taught in schools to enable children to understand their own being.

And you know what they say "diamonds are a girls best friend", well diamond hearts of sacred beings are simply divine.

3. Ancient Hebrew Lexicon by Jeff Benner

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